As part of teachers’ continuous professional development, Jayapal participated and completed a course on “Understanding Learning Outcomes” conducted by the Azim Premji University. His reflections are below.
” Understanding Learning Outcomes is online course. This course started on May 28th. In 1st webinar they gave one question every participate must give answer, with one word answer. In the next webinar they discussed. First time like this online course I participated. It was very interesting and very exciting. In this course 10 days, 20 hours, 20 participants, 3 facilitators, 18 course outcomes, 10 webinars, 8 quizzes, 2 assignments. Day 1 to day 10 I attended all the classes. When course started, there was internet problem and connecting was little difficult. Then I connected my mobile phone it was very nice. Every day I attended webinars, quiz and assignments. In this course I understood all topics but few topics like case studies 4 and 5 and assessment were difficult.
In this course I learnt so much each and every activities they presented very well with their expression and examples. They sent good materials for reading. In this course time I read good materials and before doing thinking is more important. In this course every one collaboratively worked and completed every activity. Important of team work I learnt. All this activities we are doing at our Sanctuary school but this is a kind of method I learnt in this course. Learning learning outcome and student centric work are some things we are doing past few years including planning and making / doing with children. For this course must reading books, good materials, good planning and more ideas we can make and apply at school curriculum.”